Gnavernes Univers

Kære Ja Tak kunde,


Her kommer en præsentation af "Ja tak"-processen.


Hvis nedenstående ikke er gjort korrekt, vil bestillingen ikke være registreret.


Det foregår sådan her, hvis der ønskes bestilling👇🏻:


1️⃣ Write "Yes please" in the comment section of the Facebook post👈🏻


2️⃣ Gnavernes Univers sends a personal discount code and a link as a reply in the comment section after approximately 10-15 seconds. In popular posts, it may take longer.


3️⃣ Click on the link, add the product to the cart, and proceed to the shopping cart. If you have received a discount code, remember to use it before you pay.


4️⃣ Fill in your details afterwards and complete the order.


5️⃣ Now the order is registered, and you will receive an order confirmation by email from Gnavernes Univers. 👍